Can Foursquare, Quora, and LinkedIn make users care about Bing?

Skift Take

Bing has reorganized its search results pages to incorporate the social element, but it really has a long way to go before the service evolves into something really useful for travelers.

Bing is all-in for its bet on social search, including for travel, and it is openly identifying Gen Y members as the search engine's target audience.

In June, Bing fully rolled out its Facebook integration, and there also is a tie-in with Twitter and a dash of Google Plus.

"Our demographic is living on Facebook, for sure," says Bing spokesperson Kari Dilloo, explaining that since a year ago Microsoft has decided that the search engine's target audience is 18 to 34 year olds. "But, if we have a target, it doesn't mean we are turning other people away."

Although all the bells and whistles haven't been worked out yet, Dilloo says integration with foursquare, Quora and LinkedIn through a "People Who Know" feature on Bing is on the way.

For example, if you are signed into Bing and link your Facebook account, when you search for "New York City" a dark gray co