Airbnb's busiest night reveals its new secret weapon: business travel

Skift Take
Even business travelers are beginning to see value in controversial room-rental sites such as Airbnb, signaling what we already knew -- that the lodging world is being transformed.
It was a helluva busy Saturday night, August 4, for Airbnb, which saw its largest usage night in history -- with 60,000 people staying in accommodations booked through the site.
The London Olympics contributed to the uptick, with 3,400 guests staying around the city, which was the most popular destination.
And, 60% of the 60,000 guests, or 36,000 people, were staying at Airbnb-booked rooms while on vacation.
Not a huge surprise there.
But, the number that raises eyebrows is that 4,100 people, or nearly 7%, u