Travel Resolutions for 2023: Top Picks From the Skift Staff

Large turtle at the sea's edge in the Galapagos Islands.

Skift Take

The Skift team last year wasted no time in making up for the pandemic pause, zig-zagging across the globe — for work and play. Can we top that? You bet. Check out our travel aspirations for the new year, and know that we never stop living the brand.

It gets harder and harder with each year to put a label on the kinds of travel that Skifters love the most. We hired a bunch of new people last year and, as you will see, that has meant we are dreaming much bigger.

Last year's resolutions were amazing, but nothing compared to what we are aiming for in 2023.

I say it every year, but it's always worth repeating. We know any travel that we do will help define us, and define Skift. Enjoy our list. 

Family Ties, Family Trips

Our twin sons are seniors in high school and as this will likely be our last summer of "just us" family travel, it's gonna be the summer of Europe! We've spent the last few years working across the continental U.S. (still much to see) but as devoted Monet and Van Gogh fans, it's Giverny and Amsterdam for us. We are going to work on the travel itinerary together for the first time and let the boys pick out places they'd like to see and food they'd like to try. As a family that has always enjoyed traveling and exploring together, this summer will be a milestone trip for us so we are going big and then going home! — Deborah Knudsen, Business Development Director 

This will be a really exciting year for me. Looking forward to my wedding in London followed by a trip to the south of France to watch the Rugby World Cup! — Jennifer Kedzierski, Global Sales Operations Manager

No better gift than giving the gift of travel. We raised our children prioritizing travel at the expense of material things. The best gift of all was a few years ago, when my two daughters were in college it hit me that precious time with them was running out. I asked them each to pick anywhere in the world they wanted to go, and this experience would take the place of any other material gift I would give them for the next 10 years! Those two 1:1 mother/daughter trips (Antarctica and Bhutan) were honestly the most memorable and bonding time I ever experienced. So my resolution for the next year is to do one more round before they go off on their own. It may take the next two years, but it will be well worth it. — Carolyn Kremins, President

Something clicked this summer in our three week trip to see family in India that we plan to make it an annual thing, and mix it up with traveling within India to our various extended family in different states, which will also be great for our two boys, ages 7 and 3.  Another resolution I would like to f