Barry Diller Disparages Work From Home as 'a Crock'

Skift Take
When it comes to work from home, Expedia Group Chairman Barry Diller doesn't "get it," but he's not shy telling you about it.
Barry Diller isn't a fan of work from home, but has apparently been overruled on the issue by leaders at this companies — as well as employees.
Diller, the chairman and senior executive of both Expedia Group and IAC, where working from the office and from home form a hybrid mix, told the audience at the Skift Global Forum in Manhattan Tuesday that working from home is "kind of stupid" and "a crock."
There is hardly any innovation to be had ”sitting at a laptop computer at a dinning room table," Diller said in a discussion with Skift Editor-in-Chief Tom Lowry.
Diller said