If Montana's state-wide ban goes into effect, legislators in other states may replicate it. Tourism boards will have ditch to TikTok, which will reduce the platform's influence in destination marketing in the U.S.
Today’s edition of Skift’s daily podcast looks at TikTok marketing challenges, sustainability and inflation colliding, and a Swiss hotel’s inclusive hiring.
In the event of a national TikTok ban, U.S. tourism agencies will have to massively increase their investment in Google and Meta companies after losing access to an audience of millions of people around the world.
Hotel brands are well known for their marketing partnerships with influencers and celebrities, but now one rail booking platform is getting in on the act.
Gen Z is poised to become the future of travel. So it's time to separate the hype from the reality. It's also time for hoteliers to level up their design and marketing games.
Sean O’Neill, Carley Thornell and Sherry Sun | 2 years ago