Why Digital Health Passports Still Need to Gain More Trust

Skift Take
The path to common usage and acceptance will be a difficult one. One thing to remember: Digital health passports aren’t just about travel — but they will help you get to the beach quicker.
There’s still a lot of work ahead for CommonPass, which despite collaborating with several countries has only seen one, Aruba, go fully live with the digital health passport.
It’s also keen to shake off the idea that it’s all about travel, as it attempts to convince governments it’s more about protecting the health of their citizens.
On Wednesday, the Commons Project Foundation, in partnership with the government of Aruba and Covid testing companies Vault and XpresCheck, launched the use of the CommonPass platform to allow JetBlue customers from Boston to enter Aruba.
Speaking at the Skift Business Travel and Future of Work Summit, CEO Paul Meyer told moderator Ned Russell this was a significant milestone.
“This is a production launch, this isn’t a trial,” he said. “It’s not just a system that connects the (Covid) test to the airline